Faculty & 员工的电子邮件

最靠谱的网赌软件电子邮件系统是官方的电子邮件系统,用于分发与课程相关的通信, policies, 公告及其他资料. 大多数校园教职员工的电子邮件帐户作为Office 365的一部分存储在云中. (如果你的邮箱是 very few email accounts still stored on an Exchange server on site, your email will behave a little differently than what's outlined below.)


You are automatically granted an official ODU email account when you are hired.

在大多数大学管理的计算机上, you'll use Outlook to check and manage your email, but you can access your email from some other email applications or online at outlook.anpowerit.com. Log in with your full faculty/staff email address (xxx@anpowerit.com)和您的MIDAS密码. (See our 电子邮件用户指南 for information about setting up your email on various platforms.)


Go to outlook.anpowerit.com and log in with your ODU email address and MIDAS password.


Learn how to set up and use email on different platforms (including mobile).


Multiple faculty/staff members can manage a single email address.


所有传入和传出的邮件都通过Microsoft Exchange在线保护过滤, which catches and stops a majority of spam and malware. In most cases, spam will end up in your junk email folder instead of your Inbox. 您可以在Microsoft Outlook中直接管理垃圾邮件和垃圾邮件设置,也可以在线管理 outlook.anpowerit.com. Settings that you change in either place will apply to all incoming email, regardless of which application you use to read and respond to your email messages.

微软认为是垃圾邮件的邮件将被发送到你的垃圾邮件文件夹. 你可以在Outlook中通过点击“垃圾邮件”按钮并选择“垃圾邮件选项”来设置你的垃圾邮件偏好." Here, you can select the level of junk mail 保护 you prefer. 您还可以创建一个永远不会被发送到垃圾文件夹的安全发件人列表, and a list of blocked senders that will always go straight to Junk.

Outlook for Mac中的垃圾邮件设置
微软认为是垃圾邮件的邮件将被发送到你的垃圾邮件文件夹. Outlook for Mac allows you to add an email address to your Blocked Senders list, 或者将个别邮件标记为垃圾邮件, but in order to actually manage your junk mail settings, you need to log in to Outlook online (see below).

Outlook Online中的垃圾邮件设置
您可以通过将地址和域名添加到阻止发件人或安全发件人的列表中来更改在线垃圾邮件设置. Go to outlook.anpowerit.com and follow the instructions provided in this article from Microsoft:

Outlook试图过滤掉垃圾邮件,让收件箱清除你不想看到的内容. Usually, junk mail (advertisements, contests, spam, social marketing, etc.)会传送至“垃圾电邮”文件夹. Quarantined emails usually contain potentially dangerous or unwanted messages, 比如网络钓鱼邮件或恶意软件. You can request the release of quarantined messages, but use caution. These messages are usually quarantined for a very good reason.


微软高级威胁防护(ATP)是一个额外的安全层,可以保护ODU的计算机和网络免受外部威胁. Microsoft ATP有两个组件可以防止网络钓鱼企图和恶意电子邮件附件:安全链接和安全附件.


安全链接评估电子邮件中的所有链接,以确定它们是否指向安全或有害的内容. 为此,ATP将传入消息中的所有链接替换为以“”开头的较长的url。...//na01.safelinks.保护.outlook.com,类似于 this.

When you click on the link, ATP evaluates the web address. If it's safe, you'll be taken directly to the intended site. 如果链接是不安全的,你将被阻止从网站的警告信息,如 this.

(虽然安全链接极大地提高了电子邮件的安全性,但没有什么是100%有效的. If you've followed a link that takes you to a login page of any kind, 再次检查页面是否安全. 了解更多 about what a secure page looks like here.)


安全附件 protects against harmful email attachments. 在消息传递之前, ATP在虚拟环境中打开所有附件,并对其进行恶意内容分析. 如果附件是安全的,我们将和原始邮件一起发送给您. 如果依恋是有害的, you'll never receive the message; you will receive an email letting you know that an email with malicious content was blocked. 这个过程在传递消息时确实会造成短暂的延迟(几分钟).

虽然这项服务提高了电子邮件的安全性,但您仍然是我们抵御在线威胁的最佳屏障. Continue to exercise the safe computing practices found at anpowerit.com/safecomputing.


ATP monitors email attachments and links for malicious content.

带有恶意附件的电子邮件将被电子邮件通知取代,通知目标收件人该邮件已被阻止. 此外,ATP会分析所有附件,因此带有附件的电子邮件会导致发送的短暂延迟.

电子邮件信息中的所有网页链接都被替换为“安全链接”,以“...//na01.safelinks.保护.outlook.com/...". If you try to click on a link that points to a malicious site, you'll see a warning notice displayed instead.

Yes, we keep a copy of all blocked attachments. If an attachment was blocked incorrectly, we are able to retrieve it. 联系ITS帮助台 itshelp@anpowerit.com or (757) 683-3192.


我们的凭证或工作站被破坏的两种主要方式是通过带有恶意附件的网络钓鱼电子邮件和带有恶意链接的网络钓鱼电子邮件. ATP helps to protect us from these forms of phishing attack.

ATP works behind the scenes; there is nothing you need to do to turn it on or configure it.

No. ATP protects all email accounts within ODU's Office365 environment. If you feel you have a specific case that needs consideration, please contact ITS.

OneDrive 是一种企业文件共享服务,可用于与ODU内外的其他人共享文件. 只需上传一个文件,并在你的电子邮件文本中分享到该文件的链接.


In Office 365, email retention is managed with retention tags. You can tag some messages to stay in your mailbox permanently, and you can tag other messages to be deleted after a set amount of time. You can also set retention tags on entire folders, so when you copy messages to a folder with a two-year retention tag, 例如, each message will automatically be deleted in two years. 收件箱中未标记或未移动到标记文件夹的电子邮件将在1年后自动删除. Emails in your Sent Items folder are deleted after 2 years. 如果你需要保留邮件的时间超过这个时间,你必须给它打上标签,或者把它移到一个有标签的文件夹里. 请参阅"ODU电子邮件保留指南欲知详情.


There are a few limits to how much email you can send out at once. 大多数人永远不会达到这些限制,但如果你有问题,你可以联系 ITS服务台.

  • You may send a maximum of 10,000 emails in a single day.
  • You may send a maximum of 30 emails per minute.
  • You may send a single email message to a maximum of 500 recipients. (Note: A system-managed distribution list is considered 1 recipient.)
  • 大于5的分布列表,000个地址必须经过审核, meaning an approver must affirmatively approve a mailing before sending.


您的电子邮件签名代表大学,应该反映君主的专业和尊严. All employees must include contact information in their @anpowerit.com email signature, including an office phone number.


Attackers have become more sophisticated in their phishing attacks, selecting people familiar to us and creating email accounts like .odu@gmail.com. 他们在我们的网站上搜索我们同事的名字,并发送看似来自我们认识和信任的人的电子邮件.

These emails may ask for credentials or a personal phone number. 它们可能看起来很紧急,或者包含伪装成熟悉内容的恶意文件链接. And because we recognize the name, we may comply. 由于这些电子邮件实际上并不包含恶意软件,因此很难系统地将其检测为骗局.



This doesn't necessarily mean the message is malicious or even unwelcome. 我们只是要求你在与来自外部来源的信息交互之前停下来思考. Verify that the sender is who you expect them to be before responding.


我们启用了一个工具,可以检测可能包含个人身份信息的字符串. 如果您尝试发送电子邮件,而Outlook检测到以社会安全号码格式排列的数字, 例如, a warning will pop up asking if you're sure you want to send the message.

Email is not a secure method of data transmission. You can find more information about securely collecting, storing, 共享受限, sensitive, 业务信息 here.

Note: This policy is currently applied to select departments, 但很快将在全校范围内推广.